Reiki Healing in NYC, The Ultimate Guide

Healingz Guide

Welcome to Healingz, your trusted source for holistic medicine and multi-vibrational healing in Manhattan, NYC.
Our commitment to promoting wellness through natural medicine includes understanding the profound benefits of Reiki and Multi Vibrational Healing.

Energy Healing NYC

What is the Best Reiki practice? What is Reiki? What is a Reiki Practitioner? Who is a Reiki Master?

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a spiritual healing practice that originated in Japan by Mikao Usui in the 1920s'.

Reiki involves channeling universal energy from the practitioner to the client, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, with the Reiki practitioner hovering their hands above the patient's body to transfer the energy.

This energy transfer stimulates the patient's body's natural healing processes, reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

What is a Reiki Practitioner?

A Reiki practitioner is a person who is attuned (initiated to channel Reiki energy).

Practitioners can vary in their levels of experience and training, often categorized into different degrees or levels. These levels typically include First Degree (Shoden), Second Degree (Okuden), and Master Level (Shinpiden).

Practitioners may offer services in various settings, including wellness centers, spas, or private practices.

Who is a Reiki Master?

A Reiki Master is a practitioner who has reached the highest level of Reiki training.

They have undergone extensive training and attunements and are qualified to teach and attune others to Reiki energy.

Reiki Masters often provide advanced healing sessions and can initiate new practitioners into the Reiki practice through attunements.

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Energy clearing near me

What is the Best Reiki practice in NYC?

Finding the best Reiki practice in NYC can be subjective and depends on individual preferences and needs.

My Reiki journey began at the NYC Reiki Center, where I completed the first and second levels. For my master's level, I decided to go to Reiki with Raqui.

Both gave me the knowledge I needed. It was the last piece of the puzzle to help me develop my own healing technique: Multi Vibrational Healing, which led to the founding of Healingz NYC in 2022.

When one strives to achieve the best results in the shortest amount of time, Healingz stands out as the top choice.

With the best reviews in Manhattan, Healingz offers an exceptional healing experience with a skilled Reiki master, a serene environment, and comprehensive services.

Clients consistently praise the high level of care and the profound impact of the healing sessions they receive by Hezi at Healingz.

Is Reiki considered Spiritual Healing? 

Reiki is a spiritual healing practice since it involves the channeling of universal life force energy, energy that transcends the physical body.

This energy is transferred from the universe around us through the practitioner to the recipient.

Reiki not only addresses physical ailments but also promotes mental and emotional balance, helping individuals achieve inner peace and spiritual well-being. It encourages the alignment of mind, body, and spirit, fostering harmony.

Institutions such as Harvard and the Mayo Clinic to name a few, have conducted research proving the benefits of spiritual and energy healing, and the results speak for themselves.

As we embrace integrative medicine into our lives, we can reap the benefits of both Conventional medicine and Energy healing.

Sound Healing NYC
Crystal healing NYC

Multi Vibrational Healing Vs. Reiki

A couple of years ago I suffered from a medical condition that kept me in bed for weeks with every outburst of pain.

I consulted different doctors and specialists, yet, none of them could give me an answer regarding my condition. They ran tests and prescribed heavy drugs (which I usually avoid) to try and ease my symptoms and eliminate different possibilities.

I felt like I was running around in circles, abusing my body, and spending a ridiculous amount of money with no results.

I grew tired of this absurd game and decided to take the matter into my own hands. I stopped taking the prescribed medications and tuned in to ask my body what I needed. I treated myself with energy healing for a couple of hours each day and took herbal remedies in the form of tinctures and teas.

A week in, I started to feel better; the herbs supported my body through the detoxification process from the prescription drugs, while some helped to ease my mind and relax my muscles.

Crystals and singing bowls were a huge help as well. They provided my body with the boost of energy it needed to recover; whether it was by carrying crystals on my body to keep me grounded, or by playing different frequencies with singing bowls to help me alleviate stagnant energy to help me fall asleep faster and stay asleep.

I remember that evening in June a couple of years ago, a month and a half into my protocol, when everything changed and Multi Vibrational Healing was born!

While Reiki is a powerful and effective healing technique, it is only a part of the broader spectrum of Multi Vibrational Healing.

Multi Vibrational Healing incorporates a variety of energy healing modalities, each targeting different aspects of the body's energy system.

This comprehensive approach allows for a more profound and holistic healing, addressing the root causes and not only the symptoms.

Multi Vibrational Healing combines the strengths of Reiki with other energy healing techniques, such as sound healing, crystal therapy, and chakra balancing, among others.

By integrating these methods, Multi Vibrational Healing offers a more complete and productive healing experience, catering to the unique needs of each individual.


Reiki may offer profound spiritual and physical benefits. However, for those seeking a more comprehensive healing experience, consider exploring Multi Vibrational Healing at Healingz NYC, which integrates various techniques for a more complete holistic care. 

Healingz in NYC offers an exceptional experience with comprehensive energy healing services. As a Reiki master and Energy Healing Practitioner, I provide a serene environment where we start with an in-depth discussion, during which we assess your current state of body and mind, and collaboratively set goals for the day's treatment, and customize each session to cater to your needs.

Healingz received outstanding Testimonials from clients who praised the high level of care and the profound impact of the healing sessions they received. 

Visit Healingz today and experience the transformative power of Multi Vibrational Healing.

Whether you seek spiritual healing, energy healing, or holistic care, Healingz is here to support your journey to wellness.


The information provided in this guide is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice.

Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new health regimen, particularly if you have existing health conditions or are taking medication. The holistic approaches mentioned are complementary and should not replace conventional medical treatments.

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